

Our promise to make a difference is rooted in everything we do, make and perform.

Our commitment to social responsibility includes encouraging our employees to contribute to the communities, functioning our company in a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable manner, and collaborating with clients to address societal issues.


We preserve the environment. To accomplish a goal for sustainable progress & development, it is very vital to reduce the environmental footprint linked with business operations and improve their efficiency.

Minimize Carbon Footprint

The world is facing a climate emergency that threatens the environment and our business. We are determined to do our part by cutting the carbon footprint of our operations and our entire value chain. That is why our ambition of ZERO carbon footprints is based on science-based carbon-reduction targets.

We are making strong progress on our targets to switch to renewable Electricity, Solar Panels, and maximum use of Eco-friendly Materials in our Projects.

Nature Conservation

IJB is committed to environmental conservation efforts in order to pass on our irreplaceable Earth to future generations and to realize a prosperous society where people live in harmony with nature. We devote ourselves to conservation of environment in all aspects of our business activities.

IJB endeavors to establish and maintain systems to reduce impacts of our business on the environment in relation to constructions, use of materials, electronics and other products, as well as of all our business activities in connection with them.

Zero Waste, Reducing Pollution & Recycling

The optimization of the use of raw materials is of particular importance. Its decrease is an essential condition to preserve the accessibility of vital resources and to conserve biodiversity globally. In order to help realize a recycling-oriented society, the IJB Group is working to reduce waste. It is also striving to save water, reuse waste materials, while complying with the effluent control regulations and improving the quality of effluent generated.

Human activity is creating tons of waste that can be recycled or reused. This has to come to an end. We envision a ZERO-WASTE FUTURE. We’re cutting plastic waste by using less plastic, better plastic or no plastic at all – and calling for a fast transition to a circular economy.

Rain Water Harvesting

With that rise in demand, comes an increasing need to conserve. The growing importance of water has made this a necessity to prevent depletion. While many actions have been taken to conserve water, one that stands out is rainwater harvesting.

This is where developers and builders have also come into the fray to help communities save water. IJB Realty have been designing their projects with such initiatives in mind.

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